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Hearing Loss Myths

Do I really need 2 hearing aids?

The answer is very simple…YES!

  • If you have hearing loss in both ears, you need hearing aids in both ears

We hear best using two ears…here are a few reasons why:

  • Localization of the sound source
  • Improved understanding
  • Less fatiguing and stressful
  • Safety
  • Greater perception of hearing landscape
Hearing Loss only affects ‘old people’ and is merely a sign of aging.
  • Only 35% of people with hearing loss are older than age 64
  • There are close to six million people in the U.S. between the ages of 18 and 44
  • Hearing loss affects all age groups
Hiding my hearing loss is better than wearing hearing aids.
  • With today’s hearing aids, sophisticated circuits often work automatically to improve hearing for soft sounds and speech while making loud sounds more comfortable
  • Advanced technology within hearing instruments can also reduce noise while enhancing speech, automatically
  • Whistling or ‘feedback’ is a problem of the past with faster feedback cancellation systems
  • Testimonial 1

    An estimated 35 million Americans have hearing loss but only 6 million Americans wear hearing aids
    An estimated 35 million Americans have hearing loss but only 6 million Americans wear hearing aids

    Testimonial 2

    Hearing loss is more common than heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer
    Hearing loss is more common than heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer

    Testimonial 3

    About one-third of affected Americans can attribute their hearing loss, at least in part, to noise
    About one-third of affected Americans can attribute their hearing loss, at least in part, to noise

    Testimonial 4

    21% of diabetics have hearing loss compared to 9% of non-diabetics
    21% of diabetics have hearing loss compared to 9% of non-diabetics

    Testimonial 5

    Low-frequency hearing loss is associated with, and could be considered an early marker for higher risk cardiovascular events and stroke
    Low-frequency hearing loss is associated with, and could be considered an early marker for higher risk cardiovascular events and stroke
  • Diagnostic Hearing